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17 Jun 2006

Patty #1 Homecoming

At first, it seems Nostalgia is the visitor. No. I think it is the house; the stage which memories, emotions, conscience gather, and interact. It is more the structure, which past, present and future rush into. It is coming home.

But is home what we know, what we've lived, or is it what we've yet to experience, our dreams? Perhaps both.

Is happiness having what we want, or wanting what we have?

Dang! I don't know.

But one thing is certain: Ella, Holiday, Sinatra, Armstrong, Torme, the New Orleans trumpet, the soul of improvisation...

All this bring me home. Homecoming.

Uncle T

The Haunting of the Lady with a Flower in her Hair...

It visits at moments least expected.
when it does, It leaves a lingering after-taste.
so difficult to describe
when Nostalgia pays a visit.

sitting in a deserted office
on a saturday, completing a report.
for solace, i have bing crosby,
for company, count basie. nice

and then It came. billie holiday
came. It came. hair stood.
something inside clicked and
it took only a moment to
travel back to year afore.
so difficult to describe.

billie holiday. my first queen,
my virgin recording, the origins
of my music.

to describe. rare.
just had to write about it.

Uncle T

16 Jun 2006

The teacher called Life

Orders measly xiu mai and pau...

The passing smiles we see,
On the train, amongst friends,
What is the reality of
Passing smiles? Truly happy?

Such cynicism! Bah!
Perhaps it has been a
Rough week.
The teacher called

Yet, 'tis fair.
Amidst the chill of misfortune,
Small comforts gently drift in
A warmth we sometimes
Disregard in the greater winter.

A sincerely caring partner,
An understanding sibling,
Buddies to return to after a
Dreary day and
Music that comes from nowhere else
But within. And
An Almighty that affords an

Let's get through
The blizzard!

Uncle T

13 Jun 2006

Even if it were a PR stunt, it is a damn good one.

Cheers to Ms Sandi Thom.
Music is about the soul.
It is an art.
Not forgetting you, sir,
Mr Marsalis.

Uncle T

Standing, as people walk by

Orders char siew...

Plugged into jazz,
Standing aside the beaten paths,
Paths that carry anxiety-mahcines
Of urbanites.

The music weaves in,
Slowly, but surely.
Taking me home, O sweet jazz.
But where is home?
What is home? Is it what
I know? Or is it what is to come?

Yes, Jamie's soulful jazz
Carries me to a place beyond
But not beyond feelings I cannot recognise.

O how I wish You were standing across
That street.
I will walk over, grab your tender hand
And kiss you,
Amidst the throes of wonderment.

Uncle T

Patty #3

Orders claypot rice with chicken...

In a bid to maximise a finite energy-store in 24 hours,
We can do with less of:
and avarice.

Instead, we can do with more of:
finding solutions,
and joyful peace.

Don't you think?

Uncle T

12 Jun 2006

Clockwork orange

Orders kopi peng and white carrot cake...

The media has been biased towards a few teams in the global coverage of the World Cup. Perhaps it is too sweeping a statement, but where I am (in Singapore), the media attention are on Brasil, England and Germany. A Carlsberg poster (which I spotted a number in KL over the weekend) has only the Brasilian, English and German flags on their World Cup fixtures posters.

Despite this partial coverage, I urge World Cup audiences to look at Holland. No doubt, the Dutch are infamous for not making it very far in international competitions despite boasting countless skillful teams. Not forgetting the numerous Dutch soccer greats. From my younger days, remember Overmars, Kluivert, Bergkamp, De Boer brothers? Remember how the Dutch were known as "Clockwork Orange" for their precise passing?

Expert am I not, but their match over the weekend against Serbia & Montenegro, seemed to relive that legendary reputation, but hardly any media hype has been created. But I guess the media is driven by other factors.

But do watch out for them. The Dutch. One-touch football, smart turns, precise short passing, very much like the older Liverpool teams. Watch this team for a beautiful game. The game is more than the well-advertised three. There are also the hungry Africans to watch out for.

Uncle T