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1 Sept 2006

Devil Wears Prada

It was meant to be only a dinner, but a hedonistic rush sent us reeling.

We three (Russ, Yong and I) ran for the box-office. By a sheer twist of good fate, we got our tickets ahead of the queue, and we were in: Devil Wears Prada.

There were memorable one-liners, caricatured characters and tear-jerking moments. I must say acting was pretty decent, though I am but a poor judge.

However, certain potentially-poignant scenes could have been further exploited by investing more time and emotion, but the plot just chugged on, focusing more on the Gucci handbags and Chanel boots. Certain character foils (Nigel) could have been better dealt with to provide a little more balance amongst the characters.

Nevertheless, last evening was a memory-worthy one, not forgetting the mad frenzy to catch the last bus home. Not to mention the company.

Uncle T

30 Aug 2006

Directionless Mutter

As dark tropical clouds gather, and a storm anticipating its cue, I just ponder on nothingness and everything. Wading through the marshy middles of my mental mess, I contemplate my impending departure, running through mental checklists for the trip, about the prospect of my music growth; about leaving behind that one special person, my family. Surprisingly I'm unfazed by the prospect of having to leave this life behind; indeed, I'll miss the sun, but not the battles that take place at train doors.

I know I'll miss friends, the boys, the Church people, but its not sinking in; I know the meat is there but it ain't cookin'. I know I'll miss the food, but that's not taking a toll on my taste-buds as yet.

World Bank rests on my mind too. A dormant but pervasive thought, along with the diplomatic service.

I had lunch with Ivan yesterday, and dinner with Mic Parry the day before. That only further cemented this directionless.

Uncle T

27 Aug 2006

news of Hype

news of HYPE

First, it was the Iraq war. All forms of media were fronted by pictures and reports of devastation. Report after reports covered the pages of the newspapers. Now, after the media had come full circle by questioning the Bush administration and its minions on the war, the hype is gone. So are the reports and pictures.

Then it was the Lebanon-Israel conflict. The news jumped in head-on. And, again, now that the "hype" is over, the news has shifted its focus. For the local papers, its dear ole Vincent Lam-Youth Challenge and immigrants welcome-package.

Yet, there are still scores of innocent blood spilt in the Middle-East, with current reports only carrying a miniscule portion on the local papers.

Is not the media's role to keep us informed of issues? Media, our eyes to the world beyond our shores?

Or is media largely about making money? And hype sells.

Youth Challenge
Yet another in the hotseat.

I do wonder how will this particular case turn out. Possibly, the personality, hence the organisation, may escape legal prosecution, but possibly face moral persecution.

I have faith that our society, increasingly showing signs of maturity, will be pertinent enough to stand up against individuals, or groups, that seek to tear social fabric and trust, will stand with impregnable solidarity.

Civic society.