Orders kopi peng and duck noodles...
It is about 2 weeks since I have arrived back home. Well, back to work tomorrow. You know your life needs a booster when work is like army; the only thing you look forward to the whole day is book-out. It has not reached that for me. Not yet. Not when its merely 2 weeks on the job. Wrong. Job connotes paid labour. Training, learning is the word.
And learn I do indeed. So much to learn, something new everyday so long as you keep your mind open, and ears willing, one will grow wiser with everyday that you're one day closer to your final bed.
Watched Harry Potter today; nothing life changing after all the cinematic magic; just that dull thud of reality that my life can never be like Harry Potter's no matter how much I will it. Often known as fiction. Pure fiction.
"Thoughts shape words, words shape actions, actions shape habits, habits shape character, character shape destinies." Such wise words He offers when I ask Him for guidance. And this came from an email floating around my inbox today. Listen, and you will here His voice. Clear out the scepticism and nurture faith. Only then will we start to His whispers that were all along there.
Uncle T