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7 Jan 2006

Yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away...

Orders teh peng...

What a morning. Dad drove us to breakfast (profitable & entrepreural soon kueh along Upp Serangoon), then to a fish farm, Tampines. While it poured outside, we surrounded ourselves by wholesaled fish, ranging from $0.80 to $2,000+.

Not bordering on insanity (all due respect to collectors), we went for the longang fish. I, finally, selected 11 beautiful guppies; 2 breeds, one with a fiery orange tail, then other regal turquoise. To top it off, I grabbed, my first, a local deep crimson with turquoise streak-on-back fighting fish.

The fish look lovely in the pond at home. Our dear fighting fish, being a solitary entity, jumped out, and was MIA (out of the pond, mind you!) for 2 hours. Dad found it later and plonked it back.Man!
<-- The guppies at home

Beautiful. Evening found me
Amongst the urban throng.
But amidst civil chaos,
Stood I, and Her.

Cloths, plastics, buildings
Held our (or Hers) attention (mainly, cloths)
As I simply,
Reveled, snug,
In her presence.

Small talk small its not
When with this Maroon gem.
Small talk we had,
Small joys we shared.
Bought shoes;
Mine, green, Hers, white.

Beautiful. Night found me
Amongst the urban throng(Bugis, ultimately) .
But amidst civil chaos,
Stood I, and Her.
<-- Green to rule them all!

Uncle T

5 Jan 2006

True Sign(s) of Ageing

Orders a ice kosong. Do add any other points to this list...
  • When you have an elaborate opinion about ANY and EVERY topic
  • When you start calling in on every programme on Gold90.5
  • When you think that the only happiness is watching TV the whole day

Uncle T

Frow wherest dost thou cometh, O Charity?

Orders a teh peng and Hainanese beef noodles...

Today's New Paper carries a cover-story of a Mediacorp artist who got injured during rehearsal for an upcoming televised charity show. And she has had enough; stepping up to question the need for artists doing dangerous stunts to solicit donations (Yet, I am uncertain if she said all she did in an arranged interview).

I end up at a moral junction when rethinking using such means to gunner charitable acts: do the ends justify the means? Charity, (perhaps influenced by my moral education) is an individual's desire to give with no material gain in return. Yet, knowing this as but an ideal, the use of "gimmicks" (eg. winning a b****y luxury condo by the waterfront if you donante) is probably overstaying its initial intent to give charitable donations a kick-start locally.

Indeed, some may argue, that so long as society's less fortunate are cared by this "guided" charity, there is no cause for arguement. But perhaps as an educated, progressive, and cosmopolitan populace, we should slowly dissociate ourselves from this form of charity, and aspire towards the ideal.

Why, then, have ideals when inadequate effort is made to constantly work towards it? The inertia must be overcome, and it is timely to consider a paradigm shift from third world to first world.

Uncle T


Orders a kopi peng, along with sambal BBQ sting-ray and roasted duck rice...

Mos Burger vs. Mac's
Found out today (when Yong had MOS for dinner) that one only saves $0.15 if one buys a rice burger meal, as opposed to buying the individual constituents seperately.

However, one saves far greater coins buying a Mac's meal, as opposed to buying the items individually.

But in my court of value-for-money-food, I still rule in favour of MOS anytime.

The Retro Elemental
Recently bought a "Best of..." compilation of Earth, Wind & Fire from the HMV sale. Despite it spinning in my player (on repeat mode, mind you) for a good 4 hours this evening, still think its worth another listen. Well worth my cash on these jiving disco powerhouses.

My band's opening piece was also a song originally done by them "September".

Can't Wait!
Saturday. Esplanade. SSO playing Strauss & Schumann. Excellent company (learned too!): Yong. Can't wait! And truly, it was the concession tickets I got that makes me realise the benefits of serving NS.

Uncle T