Orders a kopi peng, along with sambal BBQ sting-ray and roasted duck rice...
Mos Burger vs. Mac's
Found out today (when Yong had MOS for dinner) that one only saves $0.15 if one buys a rice burger meal, as opposed to buying the individual constituents seperately.
However, one saves far greater coins buying a Mac's meal, as opposed to buying the items individually.
But in my court of value-for-money-food, I still rule in favour of MOS anytime.
The Retro Elemental
Recently bought a "Best of..." compilation of Earth, Wind & Fire from the HMV sale. Despite it spinning in my player (on repeat mode, mind you) for a good 4 hours this evening, still think its worth another listen. Well worth my cash on these jiving disco powerhouses.
My band's opening piece was also a song originally done by them "September".
Can't Wait!
Saturday. Esplanade. SSO playing Strauss & Schumann. Excellent company (learned too!): Yong. Can't wait! And truly, it was the concession tickets I got that makes me realise the benefits of serving NS.
Uncle T
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