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10 Apr 2010

KopiTalk Digest #3

hey peeps,

This is the third issue of random dandom bits of information. Hope it helps
you get through the rest of the week; when free, just click on the links.
All of them are quick reads :) Enjoy!

Toyota sales: careful with how we read stats
The first link says how good the Toyota sales numbers looked in the last
month, a possible bounce back from their brakes-problem crisis. The second
link however asks us to be cautious about the numbers. Nothing very
interesting la, just a reminder how stats can be misleading if not used
with nuance. A local stats prof once said: 'statistics is like a bikini; it
covers up what is most essential'. :)

Be a carpooling superstar with iPad in your car!
If you follow techie websites now, its been all about the iPad. And since
we're on the topic of Toyota cars, check out what a company has done to get
the iPad fitted into a Toyota car. I want myself one of these!!

Tea Parties woohoo!
Over lunch, Pris brough up the idea of reviving tea parties! Then Firhan
mentioned about the political tea parties in the US. So for some of us who
want to know abit more about tea parties, here's the links for the tea
parties that Pris wants, and the other tea party movement taking place in
political America.
Link on how to organise a tea part (Pris' thing):
Link on political tea party movement:

Careful with short and sweet!
Its not uncommon for a boss to ask for a one-pager summary of a proposal;
things like 'elevator pitches'. But this article says while this is good in
forcing the proposer to be succinct and clear on the pitch, it warns that
this simplication, some essential complexities may be lost-in-summary.
Interesting and quick read :)

The Greyhound Story + PS Cafe Story
It had its humble beginnings in Bangkok selling men's casual wear in 1980.
Today, Greyhound has built itself into a lifestyle brand with a reputable
fashion name and a series of 6 restaurants that would leave many jealous
of. It is one of the examples of entrepreneurship nearer to home, and its
rather inspiring.

Much closer to home is the 3 dudes behind Project Shop, and subsequently
the PS Cafe branches; I heard they are opening yet another branch in the
heritage area. One thing inspiring about this 3 is that each of them have
their own talents and use them to build their cafes from scratch, and not
hire consultants and do up their restaurants. One dude is a pastries,
another an architect and another the fashion designer.

Will we have more home-grown brands we can be proud of? Brands truly
Singapore? I'm crossing my fingers we will.

Uncle T

5 Apr 2010

KopiTalk Digest #2

hey guys & gals!

welcome to the second issue of KopiTalk Digest! just random dandom stuff to make your day more interesting, and hopefully more fruitful!

Are you a "supertasker"?
Here's a short article that sheds some light on multi-tasking. Only a very few of us are "supertaskers", so the suggestion is please don't try find out by using the phone and driving at the same time.

Singlish Up La!
Singlish has made its mark! This time via the gaming world through Bolo Santosi. Enjoy, for those who haven't already caught this floating in the Net!

Will the Dragon keep soaring?
China's growth is still a talking point in the media and pop-talk; go to any bookstore and scanning the bookstore will surely pick up the word "China". This inforgraphic however does question if the dragon will continue to rise unbridled, and points out possible roadblocks. However, do note this is written from a Western standpoint; what the West may think are roadblocks may not in reality be issues within an Asian context.

Wanted: social entrepreneurs
Though short, this article provides a perspective on the global need for social entrepreneurs. This is from the perspective of a global citizen, where one is concerned about the social issues that faces the rest of our fellow citizens in the global village. This article points towards education amongst our youth as a possible solution to this issue. Though not educators per se, perhaps we have a part to play because we're not 'old'; 'old' in the im-too-old-to-do-more-than-complain-and-not-do-anything-about-it. :)

Creative Mess: can Singapore tahan that?
This is an interesting take on Singapore in comparison to the other global cities of the world. I won't say I fully agree with its perspective, but perhaps there is some truth in this perspective. Will Singapore be ever be truly on the same level as the likes of New York if it doesn't allow abit of the 'creative mess' that allegedly typifies these global centres? What do you think? Does Singapore have grand enough a story to sell?

Uncle T