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25 Sept 2009

interesting people

I need to meet interesting people, people that get you thinking. No, more than think; ponder and make you reach right in for answers.

I cannot help but recall Ms Latiff's wise words via email earlier this year:

"But what I think is important to always keep living an inspiring life is to always surround yourself with inspiring people."

I wish she were around to tell me this in person, but instead, she is right in the heart of Kabul, struggling each day to make a difference to lives less fortunate than hers. Here I am, here. Yet somehow her work in Afghanistan is not lost on me; her words and the memory of her spirit continue to inspire me.

And meeting other interesting and inspiring people since coming back 2 months ago continually keeps Natasha's words alive.

And if I had words to share today, this night, it would be Ms Latiff's wise words above.

something i created for fun.
Uncle T

22 Sept 2009

4 things of today.

1. Humility is one of the hardest lessons of life.
"Pride isolates you from the rest of the world," came the voice from the other side of the confessional curtain. In our daily interactions with people, it is so easy to be proud; silently thinking that our opinions are superior, thinking the other person doesn't really know what they are talking about. I'm sure I am right; how can I be wrong? "Humility often comes with first being humiliated," the bearded voice continued. Learning to re-join the rest of the human race in good humour was the priestly advice. Told you it was bloody tough.

2. I miss the quiet peace of devoting a little time each day to prayer and reflection.
Going back to the same place of A Levels reminded me of how strong I was then spiritually; even when reality seems to work against you, somehow I had no fear. I knew I couldn't finish revision thoroughly for the big A Levels exams, yet the kanchiong me had no fear. Its that quiet peace of devoting little time each day to prayer and reflection.

3. My father is a hero;
a man brave enough to stick to principles he believes in and not boast about it for 7 years. I thought such characters only existed in feel-good Hollywood movies.

4. I miss sitting in my Hurst room in Warwick just watching my TV series Heroes.

In a different country, a different time, a different room, I do the same. But this time I need to get up the next morning and be an employee. Crap.

Uncle T