As compared to the forceful stress of last week, this week is comparably nice. No doubt not a bed of roses a reading week initially entailed at the start of term, but what more can I ask?
Have been playing badminton (under the guise of training for Notts games this coming weekend), netball (the boys being trashed by Notts netball girls), having been to the gym as well as taking a nice jog on Sunday. Decent amount of outdoor activities for the weather now, as frost slowly overstays its nightly adventure into the early hours of daylight.
Last evening was a pleasant one; had lovely jazz to accompany me as I ploughed through the theories of international relations. There is just insurmountable literature on the various theories. But what I found interesting is the addressing of epistemology within the confines of world politics theories, something I, too, address in Descartes in philosophy. I guess this is but one of the comforting thoughts about reading PPE. To finish off the lovely evening, I got a call from Jeff, a director from Theatreworks. I will be lunching with him this Friday! Highly interesting, this little chat I reckon.
After catching "History Boys" last week, I am now in possession of the printed play. Should catch this Alan Bennett play. The French reparte in there is another good motivation to tighten up my French, which is currently abysmal. Another ever so random thought: I cooked a decent dinner tonight!
Dinner! Ovened chicken with mushrooms
Well, work beckons; there never seems to have an end is there? Worst when there is a convergence of assignment deadlines at the end of term and the next 3 consecutive weekends will be spent away from Warwick. (Ian watch out!). And I have Birmingham debates to come tomorrow evening, which are public. I'm gonna so freeze and die, looking like a retard dumbfounded at my speech.
Well, come what may. Bring it on!
Uncle T