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13 Jan 2011

can't take my eyes of you

Sometimes there are designs you just can't take your eyes off. This is one of them.

Nike-designed American football uniform of the Oregon team. Read the rationale behind the small design details and not only will you find yourself starting, you might just start drooling too.

Read article here.


Uncle T

11 Jan 2011

facebook not so universal


I guess in many of our daily-life worlds, facebook is ubiquitous. For some, daily moments are even facebook-defined. Ever occured to you that you encounter something on the streets and go, "I'm going to update my Facebook status on that,"?

Arguably, one might even say our days are now defined by FB & tweet moments.

But here's a NY Times article that shows facebook is not (yet) that universal as it might seem to be. The Japanese are still cautious of the openness of FB.

Uncle T