How often are we presented the opportunity to fully contemplate our being, our lives? This Lenten season of 40 days is my best time; to pull aware the costumes of confidence, facades of smiles and masks of self-righteousness, and examine myself, covered with the sores of pride, anger, jealousy...Perhaps it is the only time each year I am brave enough to do so.
I sit before Him, draped in guilt, of unworthiness. Yet, He still loves unconditionally. Caritas, the love and charity that is divine, one that is self-sacrificial and beyond mere inconsistencies of emotion. In my filth, I come before Him, begging for answers. Tonight, I reached into a basket of random quotes and verses. Be it called Luck or Providence, that arbitrary pick was the reassured answer I needed: "Give up worry- trust divine providence".
Tonight we keep watch. Tomorrow, we are reborn again in the hope of living a better life.
Uncle T