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26 Feb 2009

keeping vigil

A vigil is a period of purposeful sleeplessness, an occasion for devotional watching, or an observance. Tonight, we keep vigil as we enter Lent.

How often are we presented the opportunity to fully contemplate our being, our lives? This Lenten season of 40 days is my best time; to pull aware the costumes of confidence, facades of smiles and masks of self-righteousness, and examine myself, covered with the sores of pride, anger, jealousy...Perhaps it is the only time each year I am brave enough to do so.

I sit before Him, draped in guilt, of unworthiness. Yet, He still loves unconditionally. Caritas, the love and charity that is divine, one that is self-sacrificial and beyond mere inconsistencies of emotion. In my filth, I come before Him, begging for answers. Tonight, I reached into a basket of random quotes and verses. Be it called Luck or Providence, that arbitrary pick was the reassured answer I needed: "Give up worry- trust divine providence".

Tonight we keep watch. Tomorrow, we are reborn again in the hope of living a better life.

Uncle T


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