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16 Sept 2006

The Bedfellow & Ribbons

The Bedfellow & Ribbons

Amidst all the luggage do I sit
Swarmed by alien clothes and anxious thoughts,
Excited nerves and tested faith.

Time has its way
On messing the head.
Too little, we buckle,
Too much, the devil sets up shop;

The furniture arrived
Followed by the decoratives
I sure hope the bed does never arrive.
I will be looking to evict this uninvited
Bedfellow. Be gone!

Indeed, the beauty of our humanity
Is the gift of the conscience
With pretty ribbons of emotion.
But at times do we not
Get entangled in these long flows of string
As we unravel the parcel?

Uncle T

12 Sept 2006

Joy, Love, Hope.

Joy, Love, Hope.

Something I put together this afternoon. For the less for fortunate who share our home.

Uncle T