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25 Sept 2009

interesting people

I need to meet interesting people, people that get you thinking. No, more than think; ponder and make you reach right in for answers.

I cannot help but recall Ms Latiff's wise words via email earlier this year:

"But what I think is important to always keep living an inspiring life is to always surround yourself with inspiring people."

I wish she were around to tell me this in person, but instead, she is right in the heart of Kabul, struggling each day to make a difference to lives less fortunate than hers. Here I am, here. Yet somehow her work in Afghanistan is not lost on me; her words and the memory of her spirit continue to inspire me.

And meeting other interesting and inspiring people since coming back 2 months ago continually keeps Natasha's words alive.

And if I had words to share today, this night, it would be Ms Latiff's wise words above.

something i created for fun.
Uncle T


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