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5 Apr 2010

KopiTalk Digest #2

hey guys & gals!

welcome to the second issue of KopiTalk Digest! just random dandom stuff to make your day more interesting, and hopefully more fruitful!

Are you a "supertasker"?
Here's a short article that sheds some light on multi-tasking. Only a very few of us are "supertaskers", so the suggestion is please don't try find out by using the phone and driving at the same time.

Singlish Up La!
Singlish has made its mark! This time via the gaming world through Bolo Santosi. Enjoy, for those who haven't already caught this floating in the Net!

Will the Dragon keep soaring?
China's growth is still a talking point in the media and pop-talk; go to any bookstore and scanning the bookstore will surely pick up the word "China". This inforgraphic however does question if the dragon will continue to rise unbridled, and points out possible roadblocks. However, do note this is written from a Western standpoint; what the West may think are roadblocks may not in reality be issues within an Asian context.

Wanted: social entrepreneurs
Though short, this article provides a perspective on the global need for social entrepreneurs. This is from the perspective of a global citizen, where one is concerned about the social issues that faces the rest of our fellow citizens in the global village. This article points towards education amongst our youth as a possible solution to this issue. Though not educators per se, perhaps we have a part to play because we're not 'old'; 'old' in the im-too-old-to-do-more-than-complain-and-not-do-anything-about-it. :)

Creative Mess: can Singapore tahan that?
This is an interesting take on Singapore in comparison to the other global cities of the world. I won't say I fully agree with its perspective, but perhaps there is some truth in this perspective. Will Singapore be ever be truly on the same level as the likes of New York if it doesn't allow abit of the 'creative mess' that allegedly typifies these global centres? What do you think? Does Singapore have grand enough a story to sell?

Uncle T


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