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2 Sept 2008

Comeback...all the way from New York!

Pictures will follow in the next entry. Gotta sleep now la.

My fingers seem abit raw typing into a blog template. It has been eeeeeeeeons since I blogged.

Arrived in New York last night. Took a New York Cab from JFK into Brooklyn where I will be putting up for the next couple of weeks. Finally, after watching them on TV screens all these years, I was finally in a yellow cab on the other side of the screen, reality. Surreal I must say, when I saw the Manhattan skyline. "Wow" just escaped my mouth.

New York is different. Perhaps its the saying that is playing tricks on my subconscious, but I really think the grass is literally greener here.

After having lived and breathed (hence the blackened sinus) London for the past 2 months, I do have some basis of comparison. New York is different. Perhaps brighter, bigger, taller and more daunting; crossing streets in New York actually instills fear of being run down.

New York seems to embrace consumerism whilst London merely seems to give it a generous tap on the shoulder, typical of a reserved British sociability. In New York, there are stores selling things of things that people don't actually need, but want. New York creates desires you never knew you had. To put things in perspective, I spent the most of my afternoon in the NBC Experience Store browsing paraphernalia of "30 Rock", "Heroes", "The Office", "Friends" well as rummaging the Hershey's and MTV Store. I bought a Hiro Nakamura bobbing head figurine (Limited Edition).

Talk about buying what I don't actually need, but want.

Anyhow, I start work tomorrow. And my journey of New York continues. Despite getting lost on the subway, ending up in Harlem, I keep my eyes, mind and ears open to the smells (urgh!) and teeny bits New York has to offer.

Seeing things that I only saw in movies and TV, and heard in songs really made for a moving experience today. "...I'm in a New York state of Mind" -Billy Joel.

Uncle T


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