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22 Oct 2008

An amazing process: Gift-giving

An amazing process: Gift-giving

Gift-giving is an amazing process. Yes, a process that has in-built notions of rights and freedoms, as well as benefiting both giver and receiver. Especially in this age of consumerism and commercialisation, where corporates "guide" gift-giving patterns and seasons, it is no better time to ponder upon this process.

A friend casually mentioned how amazing this CD was but he didn't want to get it because it cost GBP10. It was a passing comment. Then whilst I was at Tesco's on a seperate shopping mission, I came across the CD and somehow my mind instantaneously made the link that this was the CD that would make my friend happy. So without thinking much, motivated only by that irrational desire to make my friend happy, I bought it.

Wrapped in beautifully environmentally unfriendly Tesco's bag, I gave my friend the CD. He couldn't believe it, that he got a gift out of the blue for no reason. His sheepish embarrassment made me embarrassed momentarily. And so, in line with my glorious attempts of one-liners in this country, I replied with a "So?" when he said: "Eh why you give me? My birthday next year leh".

Gift-giving indeed has been patterned, both on the balance sheets of corporate companies as well as in our psyche, that there are appropriate times and occasions to give gifts. These are set nearly in social concrete. It is sad how gift-giving, once an expression of free-will to voluntary give one's own property to another, has fallen prey to the corporates.

Where has the spirit of giving? Can Christmas not be the whole year round? Must it be Christmas only when the departmental stores scream "Christmas Sales!"? I surely re-found the wonderful joy of giving gifts, and it is all the sweeter when its least expected.

Why not let's try giving gifts the next time we can? No need for a special occasion. Just give. From the heart.

Uncle T


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