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27 Oct 2008

that familiar feeling

that familiar feeling...

you hold it back. it gurgles. soon you are drowning. its one of those evenings. that familiar feeling...

You get shouted at, made to feel you're not worth it. Worst, all this done amongst equals. Do people know the lethality of their words? Is it not so convenient to spew it out? But they shall never know the damage done.

They never shall know that the urge to tear their face apart was subdued by the other. And then the onus is on you to learn to forgive. How cruel life gets.

You work hard. Giving what your body can give. Then that all comes to naught when words fly from the mouth. Just so simple to rob you of all that. Too simple. And you try to walk the higher path; you take it all in. This injustice flung your way, you supposedly take it in your stride as what you should do. And all is meant to be forgotten.

Fuck. Is that justice? But its the path I've taken. It always has been. If I stood up I may have bitten, bitten hard. And then I turn the bad guy. Nice. Is that justice?


But its the path I've decided to take. Its not easy, but we all try don't we?

Uncle T


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