No, its not because I cannot sit in my own room and think or write. Its just somehow my room, either in Singapore or in Warwick. is often four-wallish, lacking moving objects, lacking multiple sources of ambient sounds and most of all lacking strangers.
This is the reason I like to sit at cafes to do my writethink. Even if not all cafes are less four-wallish, it tends to have the other things my room might not have that I like for writethink.
Moving objects. People, both inside and outside, move. Some cafes have ceiling fans, they move too. Cars outside street cafes move too (though this is an ability of cars not exclusive to ones just outside cafes); perhaps that's why I enjoy Paris so much.
Ambient sounds. Conversations at other tables. Yes, i eavesdrop. And the best thing at cafes is that you can choose which topics of conversation that interest you, and you only tune in to the one that interests. The hiss of coffee machines are somehow comforting. Shuffling of waiters and waitresses, clinking of glasses.
Strangers. Somehow, people watching is an excellent muse for me to do my writethink; wondering where they came from and where they are rushing to. whether they slept well last night, guessing what was the last phonecall they made, were they happy with life at the moment...Somehow the energies from other lives lends inspiration for me to think about my own.
There. Trying to make sense of my love for cafes. This year, two cafes have taken a piece of my heart: (1) Gorilla Coffee cafe, 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York (2) Casa Verde cafe, Botanical Gardens, Singapore.
Do you like cafes too?
Uncle T
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