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15 Mar 2010

Written in the stars

You hear the waves lapping against the wooden stilts that hold the house in its place; kelong, a house on stilts. Buble and Diana Krall plays in the background. Darkness just engulfs you 360, save for the random houselights along the beach. Then there is the velvet carpet of sparkling stars.

Block out ambient light and you will see the dotted blanket of star-diamonds. And suddenly you realise that the stars seem like they are dancing, swaying to the jazz. They dance! Its so pretty, so beautiful.

Funny how we could stare at the stars for hours, enjoying the constant sea breeze, flirting with my hair-fringe. It was like staring at a show that came to a stand-still and nothing changes. Yet, we just watched the stars, and felt light, feeling satisfied somehow. But we also had shooting stars. Those made us smile really wide. Waiting for those patiently were surely worth it.

I wish I could unlock the mystery of these stars. How they can make me feel like I feel. Everyday should feel like watching the stars, eternally tranquil. But perhaps such magical moments should be rationed to make them, well, special.


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