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4 May 2010

are we all so lonely?

Do read the story here:

My first reaction reading the article was that of a typical tabloid-reader. The ludicracy of the title first gained my attention and had a laugh, close to mocking; a laugh that said "surely, that is plain silly and that would NEVER happen to me".

But on second thoughts, the realness of this story struck me; a German man marries his dying cat. Does it reflect a loneliness that our modern trappings are increasingly encouraging or is this plain insanity? But perhaps insanity is a mere condition relative to sanity, and perhaps this guy is the only one brave enough to admit freely that in his loneliness he has found kinship with a non-traditional source.

For this German postman its his cat. For some of us, it may be computer games, it may be pornography, it may be being a workoholic; perhaps in some way, all of us are ludicrously married to something to stave off that hunger for companionship in our lives.

Uncle T


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