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14 Jul 2010

Insurance for expectations

Never let your expectations build. Because when they get smashed, no one can compensate you for them, no one. No comfort will fill the emptiness that follows, no pin will be able to prick the numbness that follows. You can at least buy insurance for a car or for a house. But none for expectations.

Today, I had my expectations shattered and had to accept it with grace. And my only fault in all this was allowing my expectations to build.

No comfort. Just a walk under a blazing workday afternoon sun; I caught myself literally looking around for someone I could burst my disappointment on. No one. I decided that this had to be done alone. Besides, othees may try to comfort me through rational reasons why I should not let this affect me. But such matters are hardly a matter of pure rationality is it?

I have rationalised the emotions I felt after this incident over a comforting home-cooked meal. But the sting of the emotions will linger, and serve as a reminder. But life goes on, so does the work-week.


Anonymous said...

Hey man, for me I get annoyed when people try to rationalise matters when I'm feeling down.

Sometimes we just need to find the strength within ourselves to overcome the setbacks and grow stronger.

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