That scent. I knew it from somewhere! And when my mind remembered, the memories it brought made me ache.
I closed my eyes as the perfume scent triggered flashes of memories. They made me ache; at once beautiful and painful. But the pain was a numb pain, not acute.
It was her scent. One I knew daily; from the living room to her study room; from the kitchen to frontdoor. Back then, I knew that scent by instinct. It naturally brought comfort, comfort of her company.
Her scent brought back memories, but she no longer was here. Sure, its a nice scent. But now it triggered merely memories; recollection, not longing. I am grateful to know the scent, to have known it intimately. But it was time to let go. Not letting go would be allowing sentimentality to clasp its shackles on my feet, not letting me move on.
I don't think the scent will lose its effect on me. But its time to let that merely be a nice memory to store at the back of the cupboard.
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