Orders a teh...
Indeed, it is a pretty Sunday morning, blue skies, with the gentle sunlight amiably meeting the pinnacle of the roofs, the cool air generous.
I'm heading off to Sunday Mass soon, but cannot bear the urge to pen my thoughts:
The 29th day of the 4th month of the 2006th year after Christ, the day after the day before, the day before today, the day before tomorrow: YESTERDAY
I met a friend for a short lunch yesterday; I was introduced to good wholemeal sandwiches (yes, in my latest attempt to lose the girth the fast way: eating right. its not working...) from Lido, and had a delightful chat on the local politics, the apathy, the fashionable trend to being alternative etc.
I intended to do an UNfashionable thing last evening, attending a rally or two of the local political parties. Could not find company, and Daddy and I had errands to run. Dang. Will try attend one this GE.
My Heart in Sri Lanka (heh, good title for a sappy love song yes?)
I miss that princess of mine. I just heard of the news that the rebels are holding open hostilities with the Sri Lankan authorities in the northern regions. I pray for minimal collateral damage, and no fight be brought into Colombo and Kandy.
Dante Promotion!!!!
I did manage to convince Russ to take up a Dante to read (the first canticle) and hope to do likewise with as many other friends. I love that guy, Dante the Poet. I just finished his biography and am reading a random book "Ghandi and India", and of course lapping up "Inferno".
Where have all the flowers gone?
Just before I scoot, I would like to raise a pertinent issue that has been weighing on my mind of late. It is indeed sad, from my humble observation, that it is increasingly so that values of universal worth (chivalry, courage, loyalty) seem to retreat only into TV programs, ancient films, classical novels, the cynisist's playground, and seem lacking from the core of society and our human existence.
Perhaps I'll elaborate further in another post, but think about it. Where is the romanticism in true love? Where is the admiration in courgage in standing by one's principles? Does the measure of self worth have degenerated to the point of using only one indicator, that of one's paycheck or bank account statement?
Indeed, where is that rustic charm of the human spirit?
Uncle T
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