How blessed we are...
to go through shit times to know better times,
to have friends there even when you don't think you need them,
to take for granted the present that in the past you would have died for,
to have the prospects ahead that others may not,
to have friends to comfort and in so doing find solutions for yourself,
to have what you have and don't even think twice of having,
to have moments of solitude that you thought lonely but became breeding grounds for wisdom,
to be even here, alive today, with many bombed innocently elsewhere,
to have come so far today, with what you had,
to have had nothing more, nothing less,
to be simply you. to be simply, me.
Say that little thanks today. To Him, to you, to them.
Say it, before it gets too hard to say.
"Who you are today, is God's gift to you. Who you become, is your gift to God", as a wise friend once said
Thank you.
Uncle T
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