Army did take some sting out of the bite; some wheel out of the car. There has that initial inertia to overcome, one that takes not only will, but simply, time. Yet, Time is less kind than it wants to. It cannot wait. So you are caught. But if you don't wriggle free, you are naught. One never takes in enough of the present. Beauty seems to come alive more vivid in memories. But by then, regret and guilt birth into nostalgia and longing. Longing for what we have now. Back to work. On the lonely country road. No one. Wait...there! The squirrel, full of life, escaping the jealous attacks of the magpie. Embodies vitality, life, that squirrel. But doesn't care about you. It has its own nuts to seek. You have yours too. So its still lonely, that road. But wherefore will it lead? Or do you decide?
Uncle T
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