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22 Nov 2008

looking towards the storm settling...

The dust is slowly settling. Whilst still walking against the wind, I can at least open my eyes and trudge forward. The sand still finds its way in my eye and skin, and it stings. But at least the storm seems like it is starting to settle.

I never know when the next storm will arise. We never know would we? Even equipped with the best experience, we would never know. But I know that I have done all I can now to weather this particular one. What else is there to do, but to trudge forward?

There are only so many things that are within my control. All I can do is to put my best foot forward in these controllables, and whether the ground beneath me slips, whether the winds blow a little harder, are all beyond me. How then can I blame myself for those?

I must push forward, walking against the headwind. Even if I fall, I have to stand up and push on. 跌倒,就要爬起来。

Uncle T


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