interviewer: where are you heading off to this Easter break?
mr interviewed: i'm off to morocco this evening.
interviewer: with whom may i ask?
mr interviewed: with my pen and camera actually (laughs lightly).
interviewer: i see. won't you be bored, traveling alone? What are you looking forward to then?
mr interviewed: no i don't think i will be bored. there is so much to explore; a whole history and peoples to take in. i am looking forward to finding myself in the sights, smell and sounds of the medinas, and to capture as much of the culture on camera and on paper.
interviewer: ah...quite a romantic traveler i reckon (smiles pessimistically).
mr interviewed: perhaps. but more like a regular dude trying rediscover himself and find a little something to hang on to and savour for a lifetime.
interviewer: well then. since you're all romantic about travel, let me pose a challenge to you. (pauses to swallow). bring me back a story; get someone in morocco to tell you a story and come back to tell it to me.
mr interviewed: (pauses and contemplates) ok. i will do my best, and you have my word...i will do my best.
Uncle T
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