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9 Apr 2009

photos of the day (yesterday)

3 x Dog-earred political philosophy books borrowed from the University of Warwick, stacked on top of each other, placed on top a regular lacquered wooden desk with random stains on it, taken in the room of Flat 25 Hurst accomodation on university campus.

Where does knowledge come from? From within or from the outside? Which knowledge to retain, which to abandon; there is only so much we can take.

1 x Lamy Calligraphy Pen bought at an airport in London, 1 x Black Nike digital watch bought in Singapore, 1 x used Yellow Post-it with writing in black ink; all on top of notes compiled over 2.5 weeks for an essay on the legitimacy of exemption from the law based on cultural and religious claims. This was taken during the time of day where there was still sunlight streaming into the room.

There is just so much information to consider; discernment is key. That is the same for life, the same for the essay. Discernment, that is the key.

Light painting in an artificially darkened room by drawing its curtains. The source of light is from a 19" computer screen on top of a regular lacquered wooden desk. The movement of the camera was random. This was inspired after seeing Picasso's own light drawing.

If you look around, you will find. Possibly that's what's the difference between the great and good; the great spend more time looking around than finding.

Uncle T


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