I'm right back in the room I stayed in for 2 months last summer. Same desk, same sink, same kitchen, same hamster; this reminds me of getting up early in the morning, wearing a nicely pressed shirt, putting on my tie, making my shirt and pants had no creases, grabbing available breakfast, rushing out to join the throngs heading across London Bridge, picking up the City AM newspapers talking about the optimism of the financial market, heading into my life as a banker...
Now, the same desk, same sink, same kitchen, same hamster, only remind me that the bank that hired me has gotten into terrible financial trouble, the markets are only on the frontpages for the wrong reasons, and that sense of optimism heading to a day of adventure at asset management and debt structuring is replaced by dread of looming essay deadlines. Same, but different.
I will miss this place, I will miss London. I was looking forward to New York last summer. Now, its time to look ahead towards heading home, Singapore. Let's hope its as good, or better, than New York.
Uncle T
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