...pleasures in life.
There are times when you catch yourself living a shell of a life, drifting, not thinking; its not bad, but its not terribly exciting either. I think I have been catching myself far too often like that of late.
That feeling is always there. That feeling I had throughout my younger days, and its still here now, that is when I'm not drifting. Its that feeling of wanting more than what you have. A desire for a I-don't-know-what-but-I-sure-want-it. Right. I made so much sense there.
But about small pleasures in life. Played football in the rain, had a short but heartfelt chat with a friend, a warm cup of hot chocolate in my elf-size room, then a warm shower. Small pleasures, but pleasures nonetheless. Not just the shower; its all of it.
Right. I'm rambling. You should some time too.
"if Warhol can do it, so can I."
| tiles, mirror, face, poster, glasses, lamp of Flat 25A |
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