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17 Oct 2009

not the first time.

The orange scar across the greying evening sky was so beautiful.

There she sits, the soft orange lights of he restaurant falling pleasantly on her fair Chinese skin, the almond-shaped Oriental face that white men lust for since the colonials set sail from the European shores.

courtesy of

Her fine jet black eye-lashes and the scarlet lips all the more beautiful against that gentle face. Her dark eyes all the more intense against that porcelain. She sips her tea. I cannot deny the soft jazz playing in the background adds to this romantic notion.

There is a flash of light in the near distance; a small digital metalbox just captured a 12-megapixel memory.

She stares intensely at her Macbook; her jasmine eyes all the more alluring; she is more than a pretty-face. She is a flower of intellect.

Another flash goes off.

Her dark hair is carefully parted down the centre. She makes grace look so easy; the way she leans to one side, the way she gets up ever so gently. She calls the waiter over and speaks to him; I can only stare at her lips move up and down like a aphrodisiac as they part to reveal white porcelain teeth and a world of possibilities.

A world of possibilities with limited probabilities.

I wish I could sit and sketch a portrait of her, knowing full well that whatever the canvas produces will not in one bit do her justice. But at the very least it serves as a reminder of the possibility of human beauty. Her pearl earrings capture my attention. Simple pearls. Beauty in simplicity. My heart tightens a little as my eyes sketch her perfect nose. At least from here, she looks perfect; you never know in the age of prevalent cosmetics. Its a plastics world.

"if a face could launch a thousand ships..."

But I must go; I have to drive off back to reality, and only allow her to reside in my what-ifs. For now. The shift from possibility to probability sometimes is one that is beyond our control.

courtesy of

Uncle T


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