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12 Apr 2006

A day in the life of....

Warmer is the satisfaction one gets from helping a complete stranger...

A staple remover...rubber stamp...guess the profession...that's right! My current freakin' job.

There are certain things that are not exactly going my way at work. But what the heck! I seem to forget (for about half a decade, mind you) that not getting things our way is an apt opportunity to learn. Turning adversity into a decent situation is training towards building character.

Yup, character is sometimes the one thing we who aren't born into the "greater age", grey matter with silver lining. Character was what we built in my alma mater (ha. hmmm...what about the intelligence bit...)

Being taking runs in the evening after work. Its nice to run in the solace and comfort of darkness. Surprisingly not intimidating. It centres, cleanses.

Well, my princess is having her final paper tmrw. She will.

How?!?!?!?! Should I head east, or west?

Uncle T


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