Orders smoked salmon with light cream sauce and diced vegetables, garnished with sprouts and corriander...
Rows of tables set up, with glasses and water pitchers for individuals. Along with mints and writing paper. Enter press, ambassador, Fulbright scholars, professors, academic luminaries, Asian Development Bank Vice-president, Singapore Minister, Eisenhower fellows, diplomats, World Bank consultant, business leaders, chandeliers, 3-course meal that you don't even know how to eat (but tastes helluva good)...
How do you even find a seat in such a setup? You become a prop. But if you were to be a prop that keeps its ears pealed, you find yourself being IN the whole act. You're on the stage. Together with the rest of the various stakeholders.
No matter how small one was, you were a stakeholder at such a gathering. I was there. Prop now, proponent/actor later (10-20 years later. but still...ha!). I would be privileged if I could contribute in one way or another to that new stage sometime down the road.
The New Stage of East Asian Integration.
Such an ideal. Will we ever reach that? But with all the intellect walking around me yesterday afternoon at the Four Seasons, I choose to believe that a good effort towards that end is in store. Literally, I could have thrown a stone in that room (but see, don't think 5-star hotels allow stones) I would hit a genius. Man.
Uncle T
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