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7 Nov 2008

No, we are not perfectionists. Just persistent souls.

She short-hands emotions; she simplifies them by laughing it aside. Laughter is said to be the best medicine, and possibly the best defense mechanism. The moment she laughs, no more questions asked. The happy smile is the facade of a world perhaps only some will imagine a face like that endures.

No, she needs no pity. We all have our crosses to carry; we all have our Shit to deal with.

Its not an immediate problem to solve. No, crosses are meant to be borne for a long time, possibly lifetimes. Its not like running out of toilet paper, and you go out to buy it, problem solved. No. You may want to solve it, resolve it, now, but it takes years. That is the nature of the cross I speak of. And we all have our crosses to carry; family, handicaps, hatred, inadequacies, beauty...

But she has friends. The friends around that care but possibly never truly understand, the friends who fully understand but don't know how to care, the friends that seem to care but actually only for their own warm-glowing-feeling...

But more importantly, she has the determination. That determination that has allowed her to unknowingly carry her cross since childhood, that determination that always wills her to choose the better path even if its the harder path, that determination to lead the better life. No, she is not a perfectionist, but a persistent soul, as many of us are.

photo courtesy of

We do not realise how we have carried crosses since the days we were brought into this world, surrounded by loving yet possibly irresponsible adults, who do not realise that their words and deeds may possibly be that flutter of a butterfly's wings that cause a seismic catastrophe; what one screams at an infant in rage may well contribute to an adolescent who lacks social intelligence. Who we are today are often testimonies of carrying our crosses that serve as inspiration to others.

Some of us have yet to realise the crosses we are destined to carry. Some of us have been carrying them for the longest time, some realising it some don't. And the faster we acknowledge these crosses, the higher the chance that we will lead a better life. What are your crosses?

No, we are not perfectionists. Just persistent souls who want to fight the good fight.

Yes, we can.

Uncle T


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