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29 Mar 2010

flashdance: an un-elegant poem

A precious Saturday afternoon,
4 different spirits congregated 
Just like old kindred days, yet not;
It was the first time in a decade
That they gathered this way.

Sweltering heat pushed them
Into a room too familiar from yesteryears
Yet clinically new for their current
Endeavour. Slowly, they
Began their Journey of 
Reflection, Community, Accountability; brotherhood.
Though lasting not longer than the
Hour, they parted with a gentle fire
Newly-lit with a desire to see it further

As the crowd grew from 4 to
2, old opportunities to rekindle old
Times arose. We shared like boy-days
Of man-days; the same warmth amid the
Evening's gentle breeze. "We should do
This when we're old" came up yet again.
I smile. We smile.

For as much as we want such evenings 
Every evening, one is thankful for
Them each time they preciously come by.
These flashback opportunities are like a 
Flashdance, dancing between past and 
Present, a tension that is taut like a 
Dancer's line; elegant yet sanguine.

So here is to unabashed desire for such more

one of the unforgettable scenes of the movie. no, not for its wetness or redness or hotness, but for its sheer ingenuity and innovation.

it was a very enjoyable movie, albeit one that professional critics love to hit out at. yet somehow, its many elements have topped different charts when it was released, and inspired many other movies in years to come.

Uncle T


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